*Sabbath Commandment & Invocation - Rondora J. Scott, Class of 1986 (Exodus 20:8-11) * Morning Hymn "To God Be The Glory" #341 - Congregation * Praise & Worship - Praise Team * Scripture - Khani & Amari Holliday, GAAA Class of 2020 & BCJA Class of 2022 * Pastoral Prayer - Dr. James Lamb * Welcome - Lakeisha Lowe Palmer, Class of 2006 & the Hall Family, Pastor Fredrick Russell * This Week at Berean * - Roll Call - Floyd Family * Alumni Presentations - Class of 1986, 1996, Lauren Hastings, BCJA/GAAA Alumni President - Musical Selections - BCJA Choir - Offertory - Dr. Conrad Gill * Introduction - Christyn & Caileigh Byrd * Musical Selections - GAAA Alumni Mass Choir, Jacquelyn Ross & Luther Washington, Directors * Sermon - Dr. Carlton P. Byrd * - Benediction - Roger Barker, Class of 1996
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