11:00 AM Service
Sabbath Commandment - Congregation (Exodus 20:8-11) * Invocation - Elder Benedict Telesford * Welcome - Pastor Jeremiah Sepolen * Infant Dedication - Pastor James Lamb * Hymn of Worship - (Hymn #163 "At the Cross" * Praise & Worship - Praise Team * Scripture - Elder Winston Armstrong & Elder Jennifer McCurdy * Pastoral Prayer - Pastor James Lamb * Welcome - Pastor Austin Humphreys * Offertory - Pastor James Lamb * Musical Selection - Open Praise * Sermon - Pastor Fredrick Russell
*The Ordinance of Humility
*Divine Worship
*The Lord's Supper
*Scripture-Elder Jared Johnson; Prayer for the Bread-Elder Jennifer McCurdy; Prayer for the Wine-Elder Ronald Sullivan; Ceremonial Washing & Breaking of the Bread-Pastors/Elders; Serving of the Holy Bread and Wine-Deacons; Special Music; Challenge-Pastor Fredrick Russell; Closing Hymn "I'm so glad, Jesus lifted me"; Benediction-Pastor Fredrick Russell
© Atlanta Berean SDA Church