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August 13, 2011SABBATH CELEBRATION - PROGRAM* Musical Prelude - Musicians* Call to Worship - Mrs. Ann Smith & BCJA Students (Psalm 27:1-4);* Introit - Praise Team* Processional - Ministers/Elders/Officers* Doxology - Congregation* Sabbath Commandment - Congregation (Exodus 20:8-11)* Invocation - Elder Orlando King* Welcome - BCJA & GAAA Students* Hymn of Worship - Mr. Greg Clemons (Hymn #422, "Marching to Zion")* Pastoral Prayer - Elder Jynean Reid* Musical Selection - Inspirational Voices & GAAA Chorale* Offertory - Elder Shirley Johnson* Special Presentations & Awards - Academic Officials* Children's Chapel - Mark Thompson* Sermon - Dr. Carlton P. Byrd* Benediction - Mrs. Shawanna King