Call to Worship - Michael Spann * Processional - Patrick WEsley * Posting of Colors - Color Guards * Master Guide Pledge - Mattie Redd * Doxology - Frances Strozier "Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow" * 4th Commandment - Deborah Clark Exodus 20:8-11 * Affirmation of Faith - Marc Paul John 3:16-17 * Invocation - Walter Campbell * Hymn of Worship - Magelene James "Sound the Battle Cry" * Welcome - Ernestine Lockett * Greetings, Remarks & Prayer - Danielle Pilgrim * Roll Call - Lessie Scurry * Moments of Reflection - Joyce Scurry * Musical Selection - Women's Chorus * Scripture - Ron Taylor 1 Corinthians 11:1 * Intercessory Prayer - D.M. Jones * Offertory - Ollie Clemons Jr * Introduction of Speaker - Vanard J. Mendinghall * Song of Meditation - Virginia Brown * The Spoken Word - "Being Led to Lead" Brennan Francois * Closing Song "Draw Me Nearer #306" Alicia Pullman * Benediction - Mari-Edi Gardner
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