11:00 AM Service - SABBATH CELEBRATION *Sabbath Commandment & Invocation - Elder Charles Cunningham (Exodus 20:8-11) * Morning Hymn "Because He Lives" #526 * Praise & Worship - Praise Team * Scripture - Elder Isaiah Delemar & Alfonso Findley John 3:1-8* Pastoral Prayer - Pastor Danielle Pilgrim * Welcome - Pastor Austin Humphreys * This Week at Berean * Offertory - Pastor William Felder * Musical Selections - Kingz Kidz & 7th Sound * Sermon - Pastor Fredrick Russell * Benediction -
The Ordinance of Humility
Scripture - Elder Jennifer McCurdy
Prayer for the Bread - Elder Sam Cort, Jr.
Prayer for the Wine - Elder Douglas Wright
Ceremonial Washing - Pastors/Elders
Breaking of the bread - Pastors/Elders
Serving of Holy Bread & Wine - Deacons
Special Music
Challenge - Pastor Fredrick Russell
Closing Hymn - We are One in the Spirit
Benediction - Pastor Russell
© Atlanta Berean SDA Church