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Photographers: Burdie Henri & Christopher Lockhart
*Processional - Drum Corps, Adventurers, Pathfinders & Master Guides.
*Posting of Colors - Berean Color Guards
*Pledges, Laws & Songs - Pathfinder Rebekah Shaw, Directors Tanya Spann & Michael Smith
*Sabbath Commandment - Adventurers Q'Mauri Jones & Jordan Lee
*& Invocation - Adventurer Emma Bonds (Exodus 20:8-11) * Morning Hymn "Standing Up For Jesus" #618 - Adventurers Sakinah Hilson & Vincent Edwards * Praise & Worship - Praise Team * Scripture - Adventurers Taryn Washington & Dylan Harris * Pastoral Prayer - Pastor Fredrick Russell * Welcome - Pathfinder Kamilyah Griggs, Pastor Danielle Pilgrim * This Week at Berean * Offertory - Adventurers Jai'elle Brooks & Eden Gilles * Musical Selections - Open Praise *Introduction of Speaker - Pathfinder Michael Coffee *Sermon - Pastor Donovan Washington, Youth Director, South Atlantic Conference * Benediction - Pathfinder Reuben Spann * Recessional - Drum Corps, Adventurers, Pathfinders & Master Guides